Putting First Things First
Today, higher education is undergoing dramatic transition, with new knowledge and new technology constantly changing the teaching/learning environment. As we move ever closer to Cheyney’s 200th anniversary we face many challenges. To remain in the vanguard of education, we must continuously examine our existing programs and processes and ensure that we are providing our students with the best education available. We must also implement new, cutting edge programs that continue to attract talented students, and introduce innovative approaches to teaching that improve student learning.
With the development of the Cheyney University Institute for the Contemporary African American Experience, Cheyney is partnering with leaders in industry and in education to enhance research and applied learning on our campus. The Institute, by design, will serve as a catalyst and facilitator in creating networks, fostering communications, and developing and testing solutions to contemporary issues — beyond the walls of the academic institution — around race, ethnicity, leadership, access, and diversity among individuals, organizations, and communities.
The Cheyney University Strategic Plan charts a new path forward for the University. Cheyney is proud of its historic past and continues to build on its legacy to provide innovations in education, research and business practices that will secure a strong future.